Shaun Costello, better known under his pseudonym Warren Evans, among others, was a notable figure in the adult film industry during during its formative years of the 1970s and 1980s. This era was the subject of the recent HBO/MAX series The Deuce. Costello was primarily known as a director and actor in adult films and claims to have directed far more films than the seventy or so listed in imdb. Waterpower (1977), Forced Entry (1973), Dracula Exotica (1980) and Pandora’s Mirror (1981) are among his most notable works.
Part 2 coming up next so check back. The topic will be mustard!
Today, let's dive into the visually stunning world of Quentin Tarantino's movie posters. Just like his films, Tarantino's posters are a blend of homage, style, and a touch of the unexpected.
Hey there, movie buffs and trivia enthusiasts! Today, let's embark on a thrilling journey through Hollywood's interconnected web of actors, as we apply the famous Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game to some iconic names with birthdays on March 26:...
I want to take a delightful journey through the mesmerizing career of one of French cinema's most iconic figures – Simone Signoret. If you're not familiar with her name, don't worry; by the end of this post, you'll be itching to dive into her filmography.
We're diving deep into the murky waters of one of the most iconic movie posters of all time – the chilling masterpiece that accompanied the release of Steven Spielberg's blockbuster hit, "Jaws."